Handling A Multi-platform Marketing Strategy On Social Media


It can be tough to deal with multiple social media accounts for your brand.

Given the complexity between social medias and the versatile content that the audience from each platform consume.

Your job as a marketer can be stressful.

I’ve looked at some common problems that take place with managing a multi-platform marketing system.

And, came across these following tips and strategies to help out.

Typically you would use social media for customer engagement.

So, you might be wondering how to maintain that interests in your social media across multiple platforms.

Let’s take a look at how we can utilize a multi-platform marketing funnel for lead conversion.

Lead Conversion Tactics

Converting a lead is no easy work.

We need to prioritize on how our brand can run a potential customer through our marketing funnel.

Here’s a look at the stages of how a lead will be converted to a customer.

Patrizi's New Marketing Funnel, to change for modern trends.

The New Marketing & Sales Funnel (Source: Steve Patrizi’s blog)

The above chart is Steve Patrizi’s modern iteration of how the Marketing and Sales funnel should work.

This new approach is based off of advancements in technology and social media that have given rise to consumer research.

Throughout this process, a consumer would go through several different sources of knowledge to make a purchase.

Patrizi had also mentioned that given this change of consumer behavior.

A marketer must also consider using sales skills and must have a “Sales DNA“.

What he means by this is that your conversion funnel must take into account how your product is represented online.

And when it comes to posting and writing content on social media about your product.

You must deliver information of your products and take your users through a journey.

Let’s take for instance that you have an Instagram page, that you use to publish your product information.

But, once someone views this, you should direct them over to your YouTube channel.

Which should contain more product information such as demonstrations, customer testimonials and etc.

This is a part of the buyer journey that your consumer takes.

User Demographics and Concentration

If you’ve identified your brand values and your brand purpose.

You must now have good knowledge on your audience, including future prospects.

Given this, you can now identify the potential consumer base that’s going to subscribe to your content.

You should take into account the short-term and long-term potential in using each social media platform.

US Gen Z Weekly Social Media Usage US Gen Z Weekly Social Media Usage (Source: MarketingCharts.com)

Social media nowadays is vastly concentrated with different personalities dominating each medium.

This article on Social Media Demographics in 2022, gives some insights as to how these social media platforms are performing.

The nature of users in each platform can change from time-to-time.

But here are some insights on how each platform and its demographics may look like.

Social MediaInsights on Demographics
YouTubeThe typical user spends around 30 minutes on this platform, and is more common across both the younger and older audience. So this can be beneficial in the long-term
TwitterThis platform hosts various contents and is typically sort after as a direct communication platform. 1 out of 3 users have a college degree, so if your products are at premium price points and adds value to your consumer, it’ll be highly effective.
FacebookAlthough Facebook has seen a downfall lately. It’s one of the social media platforms that everybody can’t seem to let go of. With content that’s informative and digestible, such as inbound marketing articles, videos, groups and communities. Facebook can definitely be effective for the long-term.
TikTokTikTok is more centered on the younger audience. With almost 40% of Gen-Z using TikTok to find brands to buy from, utilizing TikTok can be an advantage on both the short and long run. 
InstagramInstagram has always been the platform used by millennial And Gen – Z for seeking and communicating with brands.  Users of the platform spend approximately 30 minutes per day on it. And this can be proven as a good platform to use for brand loyalty development.

Cross-Pollinating your Posts

Your post should not only go on one platform at a time.

Instead you should focus on cross pollinating your post across multiple social media channels.

This typically is used by many social media influencers and personalities to maintain cohesion amongst their various audiences.

Your users should go across a journey amongst your social media platform.

So, by posting across different mediums, you can create more engagement on that particular content and gain more traction on your product or brand.

But also make sure to be original in the platform that you post on.

Cross Posting vs Cross Promoting Cross-Posting vs Cross-Promoting (Source: SignalInc)

The reason is that your users might not feel the necessity to follow and subscribe to your profile due to it being a place where you replicate content and not share anything original.

A trick that influencers normally use to promote their channels on different platforms is by sharing short clips of longer YouTube videos on Instagram or Facebook.

This creates the opportunity for your users to get a glimpse of your content and then move on to viewing the rest, if it triggers them.

Tip: You can also measure engagement through the links that you use as a metric to identify which content is more likely to generate traffic.

Boosting your Best Post

A Hallway with multiple white doors and one that's painted in yellow

Your social media profiles can have various content.

But some content may perform better than others, so use these posts as promotional material for your brand to increase your brand awareness.

Given that many people use social media to follow content based on hashtags, content similarity and etc.

We should stand out from the competition by posting something that’ll work out well and get it on the limelight.

The R.O.I. on this is that we generate more traffic for our brand and get a chance of generating organic viewership across other contents.

Keep in mind that your strategy can only be successful if existing content is sufficient.

Social media audiences are more content hungry, so provide them with more information and entertainment.

Giving out discounts and offers exclusive to a social media audience can also trigger interests in your brand.

So be sure to make each social media profile authentic and keep it relevant right throughout.

Don’t Stray From Your Brand Values

Social Media is platform where your brand can communicate with a diverse audience.

And, as such you must communicate with your audience regularly.

But, be sure to not stray off too far from your existing brand values.

Keep track of the keywords that your consumers recognize your brands by.

Instagram post from Carlsberg. The Best Choice for a Date, Carlsberg? (Source: Instagram)

Use words that speak of your brand such as, The best to in an industry, The fastest at a feature, How great your customer service is, etc.

This helps to create an experience for your audience on social media.

Your followers can look forward to hearing more about your product or service.

While also getting to know the benefits of your brand or product.

Oftentimes conversion of your prospect into your customer is slow and can take long.

So be sure to constantly give them information as to why your brand stands out amongst the rest.

Influencer Integration

Once your brand has gained recognition on a platform.

It is now time to associate yourself with a prominent figure from within that social media circle.

Influencers can help your brand to grow across the platform.

You can make use of influencers by partnering up with them and sponsoring a post of theirs.

And this has been know to increase recognition of brands on the platform.

Many well known brands such as Nike, Adidas and Herbalife have used influencers to gain recognition for their products.

And have also used the influencers post as a medium to promote and answer inquiries on their products.

Instagram Post by Cristiano Ronaldo (Popular Football Player) with a Sponsorship Cristiano Ronaldo Sponsors Message on the Post (Source: Instagram)

Given that this is the first impression that your product will have on most of their followers.

Your tone of communication must be inviting and friendly.

The more closer to the influencers existing audience is to your ideal target audience the higher the rate of success in influencer promotion.

For brands that start out, using Micro-Influencers can be a good start for your influencer marketing campaign.

“Carry Over” vs “Spill Over” Posts

Not all posts are the same.

Some social media posts can have a “carry over” effect, in which it lasts longer and gradually grows in value.

Whilst some also have a “spillover effect”, where those posts can lose an audience over a certain period.

You must make sure to plan out your post so that it can gain recognition for your brand, but, it doesn’t take away an existing audience.

Again, you need to be aware of what your audience needs.

And use your content to create hype in your products to avoid the spillover effect from applying to your posts.

Be sure to pay attention to your comments, your audience general tend to comment their interests.

These interests can be a guide to your next posts subject.

Let’s say your post of your product generates comments that ask usability questions.

You can do a post, or even better a series on demonstrations, use cases and f.a.q’s to help bring more knowledge of your product to your audience.

Overall just be sure to face your multi-platform social media marketing strategy with problem solving mindset.

You can do more if you pay attention to the littlest details.