10 Social Media KPIs for Brand Awareness


Social Media KPIs are metrics which measure your brand identity on the internet, especially in popular social media channels. But it actually turns out that most brands that have a healthy growth in their social media don’t actually end up being successful.

The reason for this is that most social media metrics are considered Vanity Metrics. Vanity Metrics are considered performance indicators that are only there for show. The truth in social media growth is based on audience engagement and audience targeting.

In this article we’ll take a look at ten assortments of the most important social media kpis. These metrics have been tried and tested on many platforms, and have been proven the best metrics that we can monitor.

Not sure what kpis are, well we’ve got an article describing it here.

So, without any delay. Here are the best social media kpis that you can use for your brand identity.

Call to Action

You’ve created a great content plan, now you’re enjoying the perks of the hard work and effort you’ve placed on your business. But, there’s something weird showing up on your social media metrics. The number of impressions always outweigh the click-through rates.

A call-to-action is a lagging kpi, due to the fact that in terms of a business perspective. You expect your social media efforts to grow actionable growth (like call-to-actions), but you’re still lagging behind.

You will be wondering right about now “What’s going on?”. Well, i don’t blame you. Its only natural to expect that your audience who’ve willfully followed your social media profile engage with your content. But, the problem is that your audience is specific, try to make use of your user personas. Never has a brand had a following too large that they could not afford to keep track of each consumers interest.

So, in order to make sure that your social media posts are engaging with your audience. Make sure that you modify and do trial and errors on posting your social media profiles. So that you can identify the user personas that match your demographics. This is one of the best social media kpis that keeps track of the return on investment that your business has laid out.

Audience Demographic

Sample Picture of a Social Media KPI: Audience Demographics Report As the answer to the previous kpi that we mentioned. Demographics is a must-understand kpi for a brand. If we don’t identify the demographic growth in social media via our kpis. We’ll never be able to produce or manage our content production for our platform. And people will eventually lose interest in our brand and look elsewhere.

So, how do you analyze the importance of a brand, in terms of demographics. Well, its quite simple, you need to focus on identifying their psychographics. Psychographics are the collective habits of your audience, such as political opinions, cultural upbringings and etc. If you can find out what they like better, then you can begin creating content that suites your audience better.

Follower Growth Rate

Okay so i did mentioned earlier about Vanity Metrics. So Follower Growth Rate is usually considered a vanity metric, because it typically stands out as a boasting indicator. As this post is about how to avoid vanity metrics, it should also be considered that vanity metrics are important.

In fact, most social media platforms algorithms give search importance to pages, accounts and etc. By considering the growth level of a profiles followers. But, we don’t want to just grow our followers artificially.

What we recommend our readers to follow through is a simple procedure. Try and create engaging content along with your promoted campaigns, once your users have grown from Boosted posts, your Website and etc. You need to make sure that they’ve some content to observe and consume regularly. Now, initially this would definitely take time. But, eventually your audience will start engaging with your posts more and the follower-to-post-engaged ratio will be more balanced.

Social Media Reach

Ok, so how often do you post? Once a day, twice a week, maybe once a month. Or, do you only post whenever business has something important going on, such as a special event.

Well, this is considered a poor habit amongst digital marketers, your audience is interested in your content, and want to know more about your product. Why limit this to a chronological or event-based pattern. No good is going to come from over doing or under doing your content production.

Your Social Media KPIs need to be well synchronized to each other, based on the demographic measure we spoke of earlier. I mentioned that Psychographics plays a huge role in content production. Well, it does. Try to receive feedback from your users first-hand on what they like about your brand. In fact, you can create Q&A Live Sessions to extract this information, giving your followers the opportunity to personally ask you what they’d like.

Bounce Rate

Often you would like to grow your brand with the social media profile you’ve grown so far. There’s nothing wrong with doing so either. But, your users might not engage with your promotional links and activities as often.

Bounce Rates, let you know on how much time your users spend on your website, you can use tools such as Google Tag Manager to identify how often your audience on your social media profile are visiting and how much time they spend on the platform.

Based on our individual research, we’ve found out that the less information there’s on a product, the less time a user spends on the landing page of the product and converts. So make sure that the content / design on your platform matches the tastes of your audience psychographics.


Like it or hate it. Reactions are a tremendous indication of the emotional reactions of your users. You can use likes, ha has, angry reacts and etc. on Facebook to identify the state-of-mind that your users were facing when they engaged with your post. This helps you to figure out the result of your content planning and creation. Based on the feedback that you receive, you can go ahead and experiment with tactics for posting and etc.

Fan Base

A Persons hand with indications for follower, share, like numbers in abstract cloud illustrations The outliers in a brand are not only those who shine within the company, but also outside. Many brands from across the globe have rewarded and appreciated their super-fans. Whether it be coca cola offering free coke in places where coke is sold in higher quantities. Or a airlines company offering travel miles for those who use their services more often than others.

Appreciating the support and extra-ordinary engagement from your audience towards your brand is important. Try and identify the specific users that use your page more often. For example, Facebook offers a badge to those who’re veterans of your page. Likewise if you could also identify these users amongst the comments on your posts and engage back with them more often, you’re not only likely to impress them. But you’ll also end up impressing others who’re much newer to your product / brand.

Follower Authenticity

Some Social Media Platforms don’t show every post from an account that a user has followed. To avoid unnecessary clutter and to ensure that the user has an enjoyable social media experience. Most platforms direct users towards brands that they’re more attracted to.

So, make sure when creating your Social Media KPIs report that you also include the repetition of users engagements and the percentage of this as well. By doing so, you’ll have a better understanding of how favorable the algorithm gods are towards your brand.


Outbound marketing is the act of a brand monetarily promoting their content such as display ads, text ads and etc. To bring users to their platforms, grow their business and in return produce a better experience for their users.

But, this might not always go as expected. Its easy to be forgotten by users who don’t see valuable information on your products displayed on your site. For example, if you were to spend money on a Facebook Ad Campaign that clicks and opens to a landing page for your product. Typically, a landing page should have content that describes your product to a wide-range of audience. But, if your landing page fails to do so. The entire expenditure pushes your growth backwards and leaves a mark on your exposure to the potential buyer. So always make sure to consult with your user experience engineer to figure out whats the best ideal layout for your landing pages or your splash pages.


Wouldn’t it be nice to get a reply from your favorite celebrity on social media. Imagine how excited you’d get by the fact that someone who means a lot to you, would take their time to respond to your comment.

Well, that’s exactly how your social media audience look at the responses you give them. The reason people get excited by this is not because of fame alone. But its because they are given a sense of importance and authority. If you can offer your audience, at least a fraction of this level of importance. Your users are going to become more attached to your audience and are going to commit to your products with more devotion.

Make sure to respond to their personal messages, questions and always engage with them right throughout. Communication is the gateway to a healthy relationship, and it keeps it sailing. So build a strong relationship with your audience.

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